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今天听car talk
[版面:车轮上的传奇] [作者:flyfire] , 2007年12月16日00:46:09
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发信人: flyfire (flyfire), 信区: Automobile
标 题: 今天听car talk
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Dec 16 00:46:09 2007)

有个lady说她的98 corolla开了300k miles。现在开的是一辆07 corolla,已经50k了。


Why the 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Limited just might be the sexiest
vehicle a man could ever drive. (This one is really funny)

Why, for example, do women — moms — rebel against minivans, when they are
so evidently superior to SUVs and crossovers in function and capacity?
Compared with sport-utes, minivans drive better and get better gas mileage.
They are safer and easier to park. With their sliding doors and flexible
seating, they are more convenient. If females are evolutionarily hard-wired
to put their offspring first, why do so many choose a tippy SUV or a barely
less impractical crossover? Why is the minivan market cratering?

Apparently, it all goes back to the savanna. According to evolutionary
psychology, females' value as potential mates was signaled by their youth (
fertility) and sexual availability. A minivan, however, sends out the
opposite signal, that the driver is older (old enough to already have
offspring) and spoken for — off the reproductive market, so to speak. In a
culture where women spend billions to create the illusion of youth, it's no
wonder minivans have been fighting a market headwind.

But what about men? Ah, this is where my analysis gets fascinating (as if
the foregoing weren't fascinating enough). Out on the savanna, the
reproductively desirable male was older (a la Connery), of higher rank and
status within the tribe and commanding more of its wealth. A female's innate
programming tends to favor males with the potential to invest in her
offspring, to commit resources to the family.

And that is why the 2008 Chrysler Town & Country Limited just might be the
sexiest vehicle a man could ever drive.

※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: 中国:·[FROM: 75.57.]

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