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PhD Interview 问题总结
[同主题阅读] [版面:待字闺中] [作者:davidbh] , 2008年09月03日21:24:19
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发信人: davidbh (BH), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: PhD Interview 问题总结
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 3 21:24:19 2008)


P.S. 某些问题可能是illegal的,但是just keep in mind,以备万一。

Are you looking for a permanent or temporary job?
Are you married?
Are you willing to go where the company sends you?
Are you willing to take calculated risks when necessarily?
Can we check your references?
Give an example that didn't work out so well?
Are you willing to ake instructions without feeling upset or hurt
Can you work under pressure?
How do you define cooperation?
Give an example of a difficult problem you've had to deal with?
Give an example of a situation where your work or an idea was criticized?
How your job relates to the overall goals of your department and company?
Do you consider yourself a natural leader or a born follower?
have a degree
Do you have any questions
Do you like routine tasks/regular hours?
Do you make your opinions known when you disagree with the views of your
Do you pay attention to detail?
plan to have children
Do you prefer working with others or alone?
Do you think grades should be considered by first employers?
Do you think people in your occupation should be paid more?
Do you explain your role as a group/team member?
Give me an example of a method of working that you have used?
Have you done the best work you are capable of doing
Have you ever been asked to resign?
Have you ever been fired?
Have you ever been refused a salary increase?
Have you ever had any financial difficulties?
Have you ever had difficulties getting along with others?
Have you successfully worked with a difficult person?
How do you get along with different kinds of people?
How do you interact with people at different levels?
How did you get your last job?
How did you get your summer jobs?
How did you pay for college?
How did your boss get the best out of you?
How do you feel about your progress to date?
How do you handle rejection or pressure and tension?
How do you manage to interview while still employed?
How do you organize and plan for major projects.
How do you regroup When things haven't gone as planned
How do you stay current?
How do you take direction?
How does this job compare with others you have applied for?
How have you benefited from your disappointments?
How have your career motivations changed over the years
Interested in sports
How long have you been looking for another position?
How long would it take you to make a contribution to our company?
How long would you stay with the company?
How many hours a week do you find it necessary to work to get your job done
How many other jobs have you applied for?
1. How much are you looking for?
2. How much are you making?
3. How much do you need to support your family?
4. How much do you want?
5. How much will it take to get you?
6. What are your salary expectations?
7. What are your salary requirements?
8. What is an adequate reward for your efforts?
How much experience do you have?
How old are you?
How resourceful are you?
How well do you feel your boss rated your job performance?
How will you be able to cope with a change in environment?
How would you define an atmosphere conductive to work?
How would you define your profession?
How would you evaluate me as an interviewer?
I'd be interested to hear about some things you learned in school that could
be used on the job.
If you had to stay in your current job, want would you spend more time on
and why?
Illegal interview questions
I’m not sure you're suitable for the job.
In hindsight, what have you done that was a little harebrained?
In what areas do you feel your supervisor could have done a better job?
In what ways has your job changed since you originally joined the company?
In what ways has your job prepared you to take on greater responsibility
In your last job, how did you plan to interview?
In your last job, what were some of the things you spent most of your time
on, and why?
People from your school or major never work out here. What makes you
Rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
See this pen I’m holding? Sell it to me.
Tell me about a time when you put your foot in your mouth (说你在某个场合说
Tell me about an event that really challenged you.
Tell me about the last time you have living within your means
Tell me about yourself.
Tell me a story.
Tell me how you moved up through the organization.
Tell me y you have been with on company so long without any appreciable
increase in rank or salary
Were you ever dismissed from your job for a reason that seemed unjustified?
What are some of the problems you encounter in doing your job?
What are some of the things about which you and your supervisor disagreed?
What are some of the things that bother you?
What are some of the things you find difficult to do?
What are some of the things your supervisor did that you dislike?
What are the broad responsibilities of your job?
What are the reasons for your success in this profession?
What are you looking for your success in this profession?
What are you looking for in your next job?
What are you making now?
What are your biggest accomplishments?
What are your future vocational plans?
What are your outstanding qualities?
What are your pet peeves (个人生活习惯上的一些小毛病)?
What are your qualifications?
What area of your skills/professional development do you want to improve at
this time?
What aspects of your job do you consider most crucial
What can you do for us that someone else cannot do?
What college did you attend, and why did you choose it?
What did you like/dislike about your last job?
What difficulties do you have tolerating people with different backgrounds
and interests from yours?
What do you feel is a satisfactory attendance record?
What do you hope to be earning two to five years from now?
What do you know about our company?
What do you think determines progress in a good company?
What do you think your current/last boss?
What have you done that shows initiative?
What have you done that shows initiative and willingness to work?
What have you learned from jobs you have held?
What have your other jobs taught you?
What interests you least/most about this job?
What is the least relevant job you have held?
What is the most difficult situation you have faced?
What is the worst thing you have heard about our company
What is your current salary?
What is your energy level like? Describe a typical day.
What is your general impression of your last company?
What is your greatest strength?
What is your greatest weakness?
What is your salary history
What kind of experience do you have for this job?
What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?
What kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?
What kinds of people do you like to work with?
What kinds of things do you worry about?
What levels are you most comfortable with?
What makes this job different from your current/last one?
What personal characteristics are necessary for success in your fields?
What qualifications do you have that will make you successful in this field?
What religion do you practice?
What skills are most critical do this job?
What skills would you like to develop on this job?
What type of decisions did you make on your last job?
What type of position are you interested in?
What was the last book you read? How did it affect you?
What was the last movie you saw? How did it affect you?
What was there about your last company that you didn't particularly like or
agree with?
What was your salary progress on your last job?
What were some of the minuses of your last job?
What were you making at your last jab?
What would you do when you have a decision to make and no procedure exists?
What would you like to be doing five years from now?
What would you say about a supervisor who was unfair or difficult to work
What would you say if I you your presentation this afternoon was lousy?
What would your coworkers say about your attention to detail?
What would your references say?
What's your idea of how industry works?
When do you expect a promotion?
When you joined your last company and met the group for the first time, how
did you feel?
Which of the jobs you have held have you likes least?
Who else have you applied to?
Why aren't you earning more at your age?
Why did you leave your last job?
Why do you feel you are a better____ than some of your coworkers?
Why do you think you would like this type of work?
Why do you think this industry will sustain your interest over the long haul
Why do you think you will shine in this profession?
Why do you want to leave your current job?
Why do you want to work here?
Why do you want to work in this industry?
Why have you changed jobs so frequently?
Why should I hire an outsider when I could fill the job with someone inside
the company?
Why should I hire you?
Why were you fired?
Why were you out of work for so long?
With hindsight, how could you have improved your progress?
Would you like to have your boss's job?
Wouldn’t you feel better off in another firm?
You have a doctor's appointment that conflicts with an emergency meeting.
What do you do?


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