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[同主题阅读] [版面:印第安纳] [作者:slan] , 2007年07月11日08:40:34
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发信人: slan (人生充满意外|飘来飘去), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 房子、室友贴
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Jul 11 08:41:01 2007), 转信

发信人: stormlina (following my heart), 信区: Indiana
标 题: female roommated needed in PV from May
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Apr 5 10:13:52 2008)

The big room in a two bedroom apartment is available from May (move in date
flexible) to December or longer. Fully furnitured. If you are interested in,
please send me email at [email protected] or call me at 496-5182 (
weekend or after 6pm in weekdays).

发信人: diodio (diodio), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 找室友(IUB)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 23:08:57 2008)

今年夏天去IUB,可是iubbs怎么都打不开,chinalist也不发确认邮件给我 ><

希望是女生, 暂时对campus view比较有兴趣
另外,不知一开始就住off campus是否方便。

发信人: youradium (Radium), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Sublease: Purdue Village 小房间
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 30 22:25:46 2008)

原来找好的roommate突然告诉我说下学期要transfer到别的学校了,super faint...

sublease PV 的小房间,从今年5月份到明年五月份(可延期)

洗衣机、烘干机、电视及厨房用具 一应俱全;门口就是校车车站...


contact [email protected]


发信人: nan828 (Nan), 信区: Indiana

标 题: Great Deal Sublease for 2008-2009 Academic Year(VERY VERY CLOSE to

发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 27 23:40:10 2008)

for school year of 2008 to 09, only 1 minutes walk away from campus!!

Listed by Nan Lu on March 24th.

Housing - Rentals/Apartments | 0 views

Num Rooms: 7

Num Baths: 2

Dogs Allowed

Cats Allowed

Really Great location!! just on the opposite side of EE building, near


7 bedroom (with a nice livng room) , $460 for a single room, $360 for a

double room

one bathroom and individual kitchen for each floor, and a very spacious

basement for storage, along with small laundry room, 7 parking spaces in the


air conditioner and heater are provided, any repair needed during lease

period will be taken care by the real estate agents.

If interested or for more details, please call 765-337-7748, or leave a

message or email me at: [email protected], thanx!!!.

Please reply within two weeks.

Listed at Purdue.

发信人: GPS (好好学习,天天向上), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Sublease Spacious & Pretty apartment from May to Aug :)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 26 00:17:51 2008)


(1) very nice 2 bedroom apartment. It has two spacious living rooms, and two
bedrooms, all fully furnished and nicely decorated.

Central air (heating and air conditioning) and high ceilings in every room;
nice backyard perfect for BBQ (gas heated large BBQ grill is also available)

(2) located in Lafayette 12str & Columbia Str.
very safe and nice neighborhood.
5mins driving to campus.

(3).The monthly rent is $630 include everything.

我有两只小猫,如果你愿意帮我照顾他们的话,房租530$ 一个月(也可以在商量:))


发信人: qiqiaoban (qiqiaoban), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Female roommate needed
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 16 21:01:32 2008)

female roommate needed (April.1-July 31)
one bedroom in a two bedroom apartment in Beau Jardin
rent: $250/month plus utilities
on bus route 1B and 3B
close to Asia market and shopping center

contact Joanne: [email protected]

发信人: idoa (weiming), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Beau Jardin 2-br for sublease $449/mo
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 12 22:09:26 2008)

Beau Jardin 2-br for sublease $449/mo

courtyard view, south-facing, 3rd floor.

excellent community. walking distance to Marsh, Pay Less, Asian Market, BP,
dry cleaning, USPS, license branch, and other businesses. 5-minute drive to
Wal Mart.

Address: 2550 Yeager Rd, West Lafayette

Available from 4/1 to 7/31. You may be able to renew the lease at $449/mo
for afterwards.

contact 409-2585 or [email protected]

发信人: goldensong (goldensong), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 找室友。。。
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 9 13:37:53 2008), 转信

想住Mccomic 或者 Willowbrook这种不用自己买家具的地方

发信人: htchen (妖魔), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 找室友:) pv小房间
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Mar 5 02:35:59 2008), 转信


发信人: turbulence (turbulence), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 求租学校附近的房间,4月1日开始
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Feb 11 10:52:59 2008)


有意者请联系 [email protected] 。 多谢啦!
发信人: qb13 (QB), 信区: Indiana
标 题: [重发]两室一厅其中一间出租 sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Feb 20 11:52:23 2008)

我在Sagmore Ridge Apartment有两室一厅的其中一个房间出租,apartment 总面积
900sqft,租期从2月至7月底。Sagmore Ridge门口有5路和1B,前往学校十分方便。租金

Sagmore Ridge的地址是
2501 Soldiers Home Rd,
West Lafayette, IN, 47906

发信人: fronte (fronte), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 【重贴】Sublease a Large bedroom in a PV 2 Bedroom March 8-May 7.
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 26 15:58:52 2008)

Sublease a Large bedroom in a PV 2 Bedroom March 8-May 7.

Very close to campus. All utilities, including Cable, Internet,
Water,electricity, heating are included.

Roommate is a nice and quiet Chinese male.

Ask for $300 per month.

Please email to [email protected]
发信人: Asphodel (Jo), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 同购机票或同飞,另summer sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 26 22:24:58 2008)

征人同购5月7日西北航空赴京机票(或同乘),另欲summer sublease Beau Jardin 大
屋一间, from 5月7日 to 8月7日。希望女生,暑假我roommate会在这里。
请联系[email protected]

发信人: indihomo (indihomo), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 招男室友一名
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 1 18:58:46 2008)

地点:mayfair village,两室一厅


房租(两人):5-8月基本房租483, 8月以后基本房租515,另水电气网络90-150

附近:距离Asia, PayLess 等 grocery store步行可到

小区门口公交 3B 7-10分钟可到学校

发信人: abalone (hope), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 有人想一起找房子的么?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Mar 1 21:41:36 2008), 转信

现在基本的想法是在EE对面,Grant St和N Salisbury附近找house

[email protected]
发信人: lancheer (lancheer), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Village Manor 1br/3 townhouse summer sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Mar 3 17:40:36 2008)

Female Only!

The three bedroom&1.5 bath townhouse locates in Village Manor which is by
US-52, and there is convenient city bus to campus (city bus 5 daytime,1B
night&weekend run in front of house). also near to Payless, Marsh.

It is available from May, 1 to
the end of August. $270 per month plus utility

The address is:
2601 Soldiers Home Road
West Lafayette, IN 47906

The large room (12'*14') will be subleased with furniture.
1. one single sofa
2. a large desk and an executive chair
3. a queen bed
4. coffee maker
5. walk in closet

In the kitchen we have
1. Dish washer
2. wash/dry machine

email me if interested: [email protected]

发信人: fishjoy (labyrinth), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 春季学期转租-欲租从速
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jan 21 22:40:12 2008)

Spring Semester Sublease
Starting Feb’ 08

One bedroom in a 4-bedroom apartment @ Purdue, West Lafayette. $290 / month
+ electricity. Cable & Internet included. With a bed, a desk, and a dresser
in the bedroom. Laundry facility within the building. On bus route. Near

[email protected]

发信人: eudrup (I am weak, don\'t kill me), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Mayfair two bedroom, for sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 4 13:58:52 2008)

Mayfair village apt.

two bedroom, total $575, not including utilities

loc: close to WALMART PAYLESS, Marsh, Asian market, licence, Postoffice,et

with 3B bus station,

you can lease one bedroom, will be half price or you can take two bedrooms

contact [email protected] if interested

发信人: dongbeier (我是中国人), 信区: Indiana
标 题: PV smallroom sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jan 6 05:12:40 2008)

Purdue Village small bedroom sublease available starting Feb 1st till May or
August. Extendable.

clse to campus, free utility and free internet.

Please call 409-0523 if interest.

发信人: stanleysjtu (stanleysjtu), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Looking for another roommate and furnitures
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Jan 3 22:35:17 2008)

The details of the house could be referred to:

And the French/American girl will purchase furnitures this Friday.

If you have furnitures to sell, please email me with their photos:
[email protected]. Thanks!

发信人: eudrup (I am weak, don\'t kill me), 信区: Indiana
标 题: Mayfair two bedroom, for sublease
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Jan 4 13:58:52 2008)

Mayfair village apt.

two bedroom, total $575, not including utilities

loc: close to WALMART PAYLESS, Marsh, Asian market, licence, Postoffice,et

with 3B bus station,

you can lease one bedroom, will be half price or you can take two bedrooms

contact [email protected] if interested

发信人: KevinY (KevinY), 信区: Indiana
标 题: One male roomate wanted to share a 2-br @ PV
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 1 01:17:44 2008)

Hello, all,

I'm looking for a male roomate who will share a two bedroom apartment with
me in Purdue Village. A quiet, clean, non-smoking Chinese male is prefered.
If interested, please call me at 496-4951.


发信人: nayinna (nayinna), 信区: Indiana
标 题: 我有房子sublease,长期有效阿
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Sep 16 13:55:21 2007), 转信


地点:stadium ave,很近的!我每天步行10min就到实验室了
价格便宜:212.5/月/人 (如果两个人住)
联系:[email protected] 或者[email protected]

※ 修改:·slan 于 May 27 23:55:26 修改本文·[FROM: 128.211.]
※ 来源:·BBS 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 128.211.]

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