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FPGEE Application Procedures (转载)
[同主题阅读] [版面:药学] [作者:ayiya] , 2008年01月08日16:15:35
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发信人: ayiya (丫丫), 信区: Pharmacy
标 题: FPGEE Application Procedures (转载)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jan 8 16:15:35 2008)

【 以下文字转载自 Pharmaceutical 讨论区 】
发信人: farmboy (Boy), 信区: Pharmaceutical
标 题: FPGEE Application Procedures
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Dec 11 12:47:23 2007)

The following is the procedures I followed for applying for FPGEE:

1. Obtain official transcripts from the pharmacy school where you received
your degree. Remember ask the school official to sign the seal of the
transcripts. In the meantime, request a letter (Lack of Licensure) from Li
Laoshi which states that "You are qualified to practice pharmacy in China,
etc". The letter is in Chinese and I sent it to FPGEC without translation
and that was okay. The phone number of Li Laoshi can be found here: http://www.clp.org.cn/. Call her and then she will give your the fax number for you to fax your graduation and degree certificates and after verification, she will send you the letter.

2. Go to ECE to fill out the credential evaluation at the following site: http://www.ece.org/nabp. After completing the application, print it out, sign it, and send it to ECE with the required documents (transcripts, fee, etc.)

3. You will receive a report from ECE that your degree is equivalent to B.S.
in Pharmaceutical Sciences (or Pharmacy, etc), or they will request for
more material if necessary.

4. Request an application form amd bulletin from FPGEC on the website, www.
nabp.net. Fill out the application form and send it to FPGEC together with
other documents (notarized driver's license, Letter from Li Laoshi, money,
etc, details are in the instruction provided by FPGEC).

5. FPGEC will send you a form (Affidavit for lack of licensure) to sign and
have it notarized, then send it back to FPGEC.

6. Wait for the decision from FPGEC, they will inform you whether you can
take the exam or not. If yes, they will send you information to register
for the exam. Once you receive it, register at the site closest to you asap
, otherwise spots may fill up very fast. Then FPGEC will send you the
Authorization To Test (ATT) letter which tell you the instruction about the

7. Go to the test site and take the exam.

8. Good luck.

Note: Please feel free to forward it to any Chinese who are interested to
take the exam.

※ 修改:·farmboy 於 Dec 11 12:48:24 2007 修改本文·[FROM: 196.3.]

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