发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 03:23:10 2009) 闲着没事,搞了个二手 K&N Typhoon CAI.安装比较简单: 1. 卸掉bumper 2. 拆掉原来的air box, ducks, resonater 3. 把CAI联到原来的throttle 上,插上原来的管子,搞定. 开出去试了试,3500转下没感觉(其实好像反应更慢了),上了4000后发出低沉的声音, 6200转后vtect kick in,声音变的尖锐了.动力提升没什么感觉,厂家的dyno显示 6000rpm下可以提升5hp,其实这点提升没有也罢.不知道mpg会不会提高. 那天不喜欢了,改成short ram,据说可以提高low end response. 看来动力也就那样了,下一步把rear sway bar 换了. -- ※ 修改:·reneng951 於 May 28 13:09:07 2009 修改本文·[FROM: 129.72.] ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.] 此主题相关图片如下:
发信人: owenxguo (特别丑), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 03:32:34 2009) 支持 -- -=人REN MOTORSPORTS=- WWW.RENSPORTS.COM MITBBS AutoFans俱乐部对所有“喜爱汽车”的朋友开放,欢迎加入。 http://www.mitbbs.com/mitbbs_bbsdoc.php?board=AutoFans 想加入的朋友可以给pandamalone, binladen, renee, xiaonan发信。 ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 76.14.]
发信人: oldoldcop (newnewmj), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 08:03:44 2009) 屁用没有, 还可能不匹配, 把进气谐振频率给搞坏了. 【 在 reneng951 (hongyi) 的大作中提到: 】 : 闲着没事,搞了个二手 K&N Typhoon CAI.安装比较简单: : 1. 卸掉bumper : 2. 拆掉原来的air box, ducks, resonater : 3. 把CAI联到原来的throttle 上,插上原来的管子,搞定. 一共2.5小时. : 开出去试了试,3500转下没感觉(其实好像反应更慢了),上了4000后发出低沉的声音, : 6200转后vtect kick in,声音变的尖锐了.动力提升没什么感觉,厂家的dyno显示 : 6000rpm下可以提升5hp,其实这点提升没有也罢.不知道mpg会不会提高. : 那天不喜欢了,改成short ram,据说可以提高low end response. : 看来动力也就那样了,下一步把rear sway bar 换了. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 72.181.]
发信人: goodsteak (Happy), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 08:29:22 2009) 牛人 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.171.]
发信人: shishi (shishi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:19:17 2009) what's that? 【 在 oldoldcop (newnewmj) 的大作中提到: 】 : 屁用没有, 还可能不匹配, 把进气谐振频率给搞坏了. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 71.70.]
发信人: shishi (shishi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:22:28 2009) you normally won't feel any difference with intake or muffler mods. you rarely utilize factory HP anyway. but RWB gives you very noticeable improve. very easy also, should be done in one hour. just keep two rear wheels level (i.e., lift both). 【 在 reneng951 (hongyi) 的大作中提到: 】 : 闲着没事,搞了个二手 K&N Typhoon CAI.安装比较简单: : 1. 卸掉bumper : 2. 拆掉原来的air box, ducks, resonater : 3. 把CAI联到原来的throttle 上,插上原来的管子,搞定. 一共2.5小时. : 开出去试了试,3500转下没感觉(其实好像反应更慢了),上了4000后发出低沉的声音, : 6200转后vtect kick in,声音变的尖锐了.动力提升没什么感觉,厂家的dyno显示 : 6000rpm下可以提升5hp,其实这点提升没有也罢.不知道mpg会不会提高. : 那天不喜欢了,改成short ram,据说可以提高low end response. : 看来动力也就那样了,下一步把rear sway bar 换了. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 71.70.]
发信人: felixcat (felixcat), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:26:23 2009) 呵呵赞动手能力。 不过对于TSX这样布局的CAI,我总是觉得弊多利少,比如说在下雨的时候车子就不能出 战了。上个月我这边下暴雨,短短两个小时连I-10辅路上的积水都差不多淹到发动机盖 子了。加上是下班高峰期堵车,我一路上看到很多车主就这样被困在车流中,眼睁睁地 看着水一步一步漫上来把自己的车子搞死火flood掉。那个时候我开着neon就像在开潜 水艇那样,幸亏它的进气口设在发动机顶部,一路泅水回来竟然安然无恙。 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 99.159.]
发信人: liusan (不三不四), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:33:58 2009) SUV就不怕 【 在 felixcat (felixcat) 的大作中提到: 】 : 呵呵赞动手能力。 : 不过对于TSX这样布局的CAI,我总是觉得弊多利少,比如说在下雨的时候车子就不能出 : 战了。上个月我这边下暴雨,短短两个小时连I-10辅路上的积水都差不多淹到发动机盖 : 子了。加上是下班高峰期堵车,我一路上看到很多车主就这样被困在车流中,眼睁睁地 : 看着水一步一步漫上来把自己的车子搞死火flood掉。那个时候我开着neon就像在开潜 : 水艇那样,幸亏它的进气口设在发动机顶部,一路泅水回来竟然安然无恙。 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 130.64.]
发信人: shishi (shishi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:39:31 2009) TSX space too tight for having intake filter up there? on TL when people do CAI they have the opening at where the air filter is (i.e., very high). 【 在 felixcat (felixcat) 的大作中提到: 】 : 呵呵赞动手能力。 : 不过对于TSX这样布局的CAI,我总是觉得弊多利少,比如说在下雨的时候车子就不能出 : 战了。上个月我这边下暴雨,短短两个小时连I-10辅路上的积水都差不多淹到发动机盖 : 子了。加上是下班高峰期堵车,我一路上看到很多车主就这样被困在车流中,眼睁睁地 : 看着水一步一步漫上来把自己的车子搞死火flood掉。那个时候我开着neon就像在开潜 : 水艇那样,幸亏它的进气口设在发动机顶部,一路泅水回来竟然安然无恙。 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 71.70.]
发信人: felixcat (felixcat), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 09:45:34 2009) 一样怕。车子怕淹有三方面:进气、排气、电子设备。绝大部分SUV/pickup后两方面一 样没招,除非像18轮那样,排气口竖在驾驶舱上面。事实上那次淹水的路上被困住的 SUV和轿车一样多。 【 在 liusan (不三不四) 的大作中提到: 】 : SUV就不怕 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 99.159.]
发信人: liusan (不三不四), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 11:03:20 2009) 人轮子就要大一圈,底盘再高一块,即使同样的结构SUV也比小Sedan好 【 在 felixcat (felixcat) 的大作中提到: 】 : 一样怕。车子怕淹有三方面:进气、排气、电子设备。绝大部分SUV/pickup后两方面一 : 样没招,除非像18轮那样,排气口竖在驾驶舱上面。事实上那次淹水的路上被困住的 : SUV和轿车一样多。 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 130.64.]
发信人: BoostedIS (Yankees & Celtics), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 11:19:38 2009) 刷/换ECU试试 【 在 reneng951 (hongyi) 的大作中提到: 】 : 闲着没事,搞了个二手 K&N Typhoon CAI.安装比较简单: : 1. 卸掉bumper : 2. 拆掉原来的air box, ducks, resonater : 3. 把CAI联到原来的throttle 上,插上原来的管子,搞定. 一共2.5小时. : 开出去试了试,3500转下没感觉(其实好像反应更慢了),上了4000后发出低沉的声音, : 6200转后vtect kick in,声音变的尖锐了.动力提升没什么感觉,厂家的dyno显示 : 6000rpm下可以提升5hp,其实这点提升没有也罢.不知道mpg会不会提高. : 那天不喜欢了,改成short ram,据说可以提高low end response. : 看来动力也就那样了,下一步把rear sway bar 换了. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 216.84.]
发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 11:52:07 2009) As to the hydrolock, generally CAI increase the chances. But the CAI I installed has so called drycharger, which is water appellant shield covering the filter. So except extreme conditions (like felixcat), I am not worry about hydrolock. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.]
发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 11:59:20 2009) NO. TSX has enough space to place the filter at the place of stock air box, it called short ram setup (improving low-end response). 【 在 shishi (shishi) 的大作中提到: 】 : TSX space too tight for having intake filter up there? : on TL when people do CAI they have the opening at where the : air filter is (i.e., very high). -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.] 此主题相关图片如下:
发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 12:03:10 2009) reflash ecu 可以提升29hp & 26ft/lbs,但是现在只有HONDADAT一家可以刷ECU,价格要 600刀,太贵了。 【 在 BoostedIS (Yankees & Celtics) 的大作中提到: 】 : 刷/换ECU试试 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.]
发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 12:08:29 2009) 完全同意!CAI is more for "feel' than "real". But I got the CAI with very low price (almost same as price of filter), cant resist. RSB can improve performance noticeably. TSX, for easy installation, I also have to remove left rear wheel. 【 在 shishi (shishi) 的大作中提到: 】 : you normally won't feel any difference with intake or : muffler mods. you rarely utilize factory HP anyway. : but RWB gives you very noticeable improve. very easy also, : should be done in one hour. just keep two rear wheels level : (i.e., lift both). -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.]
发信人: reneng951 (hongyi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 12:28:44 2009) Its like: when the intake air is compressed, it will rebound. Such rebound will generate so called frequency wave (if i am wrong, please let oldcop correct me). Bad design CAI will do worse. But I believe K&N is well designed, and you cant say CAI is totally shit. It do improve the high-end power. However it sacrifice the low-end response (which can be corrected by using short ram setup). Depends what you want and expected. BTW, AEM seems has CAI which could limit the problem of "进气谐振频率". 【 在 shishi (shishi) 的大作中提到: 】 : what's that? 【 在 oldoldcop (newnewmj) 的大作中提到: 】 : 屁用没有, 还可能不匹配, 把进气谐振频率给搞坏了. -- ※ 修改:·reneng951 於 May 28 12:31:28 2009 修改本文·[FROM: 129.72.] ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 129.72.]
发信人: oldoldcop (newnewmj), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 22:55:05 2009) Modern intake manifolds usually employ runners, individual tubes extending to each intake port on the cylinder head. The purpose of the runner is to take advantage of the Helmholtz resonance property of air. Air flows at considerable speed through the open valve. When the valve closes, the air that has not yet entered the valve still has a lot of momentum and compresses against the valve, creating a pocket of high pressure. This high- pressure air begins to equalize with lower-pressure air in the manifold. Due to the air's inertia, the equalization will tend to oscillate: At first the air in the runner will be at a lower pressure than the manifold. The air in the manifold then tries to equalize back into the runner, and the oscillation repeats. This process occurs at the speed of sound, and in most manifold travels up and down the runner many times before the valve opens again. The smaller the cross-sectional area of the runner, the higher the pressure changes on resonance for a given airflow. This aspect of Helmholz resonance reproduces one result of the Venturi effect. When the piston accelerates downwards, the pressure at the output of the intake runner is reduced. This low pressure pulse runs to the input end, where it is converted into an over -pressure pulse. This pulse travels back through the runner and rams air through the valve. The valve then closes. To harness the full power of the Helmholtz resonance effect, the opening of the intake valve must be timed correctly, otherwise the pulse could have a negative effect. This poses a very difficult problem for engines, since valve timing is dynamic and based on engine speed, whereas the pulse timing is static and dependent on the length of the intake runner and the speed of sound. The traditional solution has been to tune the length of the intake runner for a specific engine speed where maximum performance is desired. However, modern technology has given rise to a number of solutions involving electronically-controlled valve timing (for example Valvetronic), and dynamic intake geometry (see below). Some naturally-aspirated intake systems operate at a volumetric efficiency above 100%: the air pressure in the combustion chamber before the compression stroke is greater than the atmospheric pressure. The additional energy required to compress the air above atmospheric pressure comes from the momentum of the piston. In combination with the exhaust manifold[vague] the valve opening time can be prolonged and friction losses reduced. The exhaust manifolds achieves a vacuum in the cylinder just before the piston reaches top dead center.[citation needed] The opening inlet valve can then— at typical compression ratios—fill 10% of the cylinder before beginning downward travel.[citation needed] Instead of achieving higher pressure in the cylinder, the inlet valve can stay open after the piston reaches bottom dead center while the air still flows in.[citation needed][vague] In some engines the intake runners are straight for minimal resistance. In other engines the intake runners have turns. Turns allow for a denser packaging of the whole engine, are needed for some variable length designs, and allow the size of the plenum to be reduced. In an engine with at least six cylinders the averaged intake flow is nearly constant and the plenum volume can be smaller. To avoid standing waves within the plenum it is made as compact as possible. The intake runners each use a smaller part of the plenum surface than the inlet, which supplies air to the plenum, for aerodynamic reasons. Each runner is placed to have nearly the same distance to the main inlet. Runners, whose cylinders fire close after each other, are not placed as neighbors. [edit] Variable length intake manifold Variable Length Intake Manifold (VLIM) is an internal combustion engine manifold technology. Four common implementations exist. First, two discrete intake runners with different length are employed, and a butterfly valve can close the short path. Second the intake runners can be bent around a common plenum, and a sliding valve separates them from the plenum with a variable length. Straight high-speed runners can receive plugs, which contain small long runner extensions. The plenum of a 6 or 8 cylinder engine can be parted into halves, with the even firing cylinders in one half and the odd firing cylinders in the other part. Both sub-plenums and the air intake are connected to an Y (sort of main plenum). The air oscillates between both sub -plenums, with a large pressure oscillation there, but a constant pressure at the main plenum. Each runner from a sub plenum to the main plenum can be changed in length. For V engines this can be implemented by parting a single large plenum at high engine speed by means of sliding valves into it when speed is reduced. As the name implies, VLIM can vary the length of the intake tract in order to optimize power and torque, as well as provide better fuel efficiency. Lower intake manifold on a 1999 Mazda Miata engine, showing components of a variable length intake system. There are two main effects of variable intake geometry: * Venturi effect - At low rpm, the speed of the airflow is increased by directing the air through a path with limited capacity (cross-sectional area ). The larger path opens when the load increases so that a greater amount of air can enter the chamber. In dual overhead cam designs, the air paths are often connected to separate intake valves so the shorter path can be excluded by deactivating the intake valve itself. * Pressurization - A tuned intake path can have a light pressurizing effect similar to a low-pressure supercharger due to Helmholtz resonance. However, this effect occurs only over a narrow engine speed range which is directly influenced by intake length. A variable intake can create two or more pressurized "hot spots." When the intake air speed is higher, the dynamic pressure pushing the air (and/or mixture) inside the engine is increased. The dynamic pressure is proportional to the square of the inlet air speed, so by making the passage narrower or longer the speed/dynamic pressure is increased. Many automobile manufacturers use similar technology with different names. Another common term for this technology is Variable Resonance Induction System (VRIS). Vehicles using variable intake geometry [hide] * Audi - 2.8-liter V6 gas engine (1991-98); 3.6 and 4.2 liter V8 engines , 1987-present * Alfa Romeo - 2.0 TwinSpark 16v - 155 ps(114 kW) * BMW DIVA * Dodge - 2.0 A588 - ECH (2001-2005) used in the 2001-2005 model year Dodge Neon R/T * Ferrari - 360 Modena, 550 Maranello * Ford DSI (Dual-Stage Intake) - on their Duratec 2.5 and 3.0 liter V6s and it was also found on the Yamaha V6 in the Taurus SHO. * Ford - The Ford Modular V8 engines sport either the Intake Manifold Runner Control (IMRC) for 4V engines, or the Charge Motion Control Valve ( CMCV) for 3V engines. * Ford - The 2.0L Split Port engine in the Ford Escort and Mercury Tracer feature an Intake Manifold Runner Control variable geometry intake manifold. * General Motors - 3.9L LZ8/LZ9 V6, 3.2L LA3 V6 * GM Daewoo - DOHC versions of E-TEC II engines * Holden - Alloytec * Honda - Integra, Legend, NSX, Prelude * Hyundai - XG V6 * Isuzu - Isuzu Rodeo Used in the second generation V6, 3.2L (6VD1) Rodeos. * Jaguar - AJ-V6 * Lancia VIS * Mazda VICS (Variable Inertia Charging System) is used on the Mazda FE- DOHC engine and Mazda B engine family of straight-4s, and VRIS (Variable Resistance Induction System) in the Mazda K engine family of V6 engines. An updated version of this technology is employed on the new Mazda Z engine, which is also used by Ford as the Duratec. * Mercedes-Benz * Mitsubishi Cyclone is used on the 2.0L I4 4G63 engine family. * Nissan I4, V6, V8 * Opel (or Vauxhall) TwinPort - modern versions of Ecotec Family 1 and Ecotec Family 0 straight-4 engines; a similar technology is used in 3.2 L 54 ° V6 engine * Peugeot 2.2 L I4, 3.0 L V6 * Porsche VarioRam - 964, 993, 996, Boxster * Proton Campro CPS and VIM - Proton Gen-2 CPS and Proton Waja CPS; Proton Campro IAFM - 2008 Proton Saga 1.3 * Renault - Clio 2.0RS * Toyota T-VIS - (Toyota Variable Induction System) used in the early versions of the 3S-GE, 7M-GE, and 4A-GE families, and ACIS - (Acoustic Control Induction System). * Volkswagen - 1.6 L I4, VR6, W8 * Volvo - VVIS (Volvo Variable Induction System) Volvo B52 engine as found on the Volvo 850 and S70/V70 vehicles, and their successors. Longer inlet ducts used between 1500 and 4100 rpm at 80% load or higher.[1] 【 在 shishi (shishi) 的大作中提到: 】 : what's that? -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 72.181.]
发信人: lilyathor (水凌儿), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu May 28 23:39:53 2009) 好厉害 -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 70.101.]
发信人: shishi (shishi), 信区: Automobile 标 题: Re: 我也发个DIY, 安装 冷空气进气系统(CAI) 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri May 29 01:43:03 2009) 【 在 reneng951 (hongyi) 的大作中提到: 】 : RSB can improve performance noticeably. TSX, for easy installation, I also : have to remove left rear wheel. my experience is it's better remove both wheels, otherwise because of the wheel weight, the two are not leveled and RSB is twisted, making it hard to install. -- ※ 来源:·WWW 未名空间站 海外: mitbbs.com 中国: mitbbs.cn·[FROM: 71.70.]
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