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作者:刘宗坤律师     发文时间: 2008年12月11日 14:21:53
A Humble Gift from Liu & Associates, PLLC

In the next two weeks before Christmas, each of our clients and their family
members will receive a humble gift from Liu and Associates. As we gather
to celebrate the holiday season, we reflect back on the past twelve months
and are thankful for all of our blessings.

This year seems to have brought more than its fair share of natural
disasters. There have been hurricanes, wild fires, earthquakes, and floods
causing devastating consequences for many. In these trying times, we have
seen people of all nationalities and backgrounds unselfishly come together
as a community and draw strength from each other. For example, when we
refunded legal fees to one of our clients because his family was directly
affected by the Sichuan Earthquake, instead of accepting that money
personally, that client unhesitatingly donated that money to the relief
efforts; he said that there are those with greater needs than his family.
In our daily work, we repeatedly hear such inspiring stories from you and
are honored to know and work with such people.

And, thanks to your support, our firm has been able to grow and see another
successful year. At this time, we have an overall 96% success rate in
employment-based immigrant petitions (EB-1A, EB-1B, NIW, PERM, etc.) and 100
% success rate in non-immigrant worker petitions (H-1B, O-1, etc.) that we
have filed. In addition, we are dedicated to volunteerism and pro bono
efforts. As part of our commitment to community service, we have donated to
the Sichuan Earthquake relief campaigns, supported efforts to push for visa
number availability for China-born individuals, represented asylum cases
pro bono, organized fundraisers for scholarship programs, participated in
holiday toy drives, and assisted low-income lawful permanent residents with
naturalization applications. We look forward to continuing our public
interest work in the future.

The holiday season is a wonderful occasion to bring people together in peace
and goodwill. We send our best wishes to you this coming year, and in the
spirit of giving, a humble gift to show our appreciation for choosing us as
your lawyers to work with you on one of the most important matters in your

Z. Zac Liu, Attorney at Law
Kellie Pai, Attorney at Law
Christina T. Le, Attorney at Law
Susan Covington, Case Manager
Grace Wang, Legal Assistant

刘宗坤律师(Z. Zac Liu, Esq.),法学博士(J.D., Valparaiso University
Schoolof Law)、哲学博士(Ph.D., Peking University),伊利诺伊州最高法院及联邦
法院执照,曾担任Valparaiso University Law Review的编辑和审稿人, 著有中英文
人才(Eb-1A)、杰出教授和研究员(EB-1B)、PERM 劳工证、H-1B工作签证等方面积
累了丰富的经验。有兴趣提出申请的读者,可将简历发往[email protected]。刘律师会在

白凯玲律师 (Kellie Pai, Esq.),法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law
Center)、文学学士(B.A., University of Texas at Austin),德克萨斯州最高法院执

Christina T. Le 律师,法学博士(J.D.,University of Houston Law Center)、文学
学士(B.A., Northwestern University),德克萨斯州最高法院执照,刘宗坤联合律师事

Liu & Associates, PLLC
Wells Fargo Tower, 8th Floor
6161 Savoy Drive, Suite 830
Houston, Texas 77036
Tel: (800) 878-1807
(713) 974-3893
Fax: (866) 608-2766
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.niwus.com
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