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首先,我不明白我昨天晚上放在美国新闻版的这个帖子,为什么今天早晨就被删除。是删水吗 ?不象,许多无聊的放的时间长的帖子都在。请问,这个版的版规在什么地方 ?难道这里的版主有不按版规,而按自己好恶删帖的权力 ?一个论坛只有一种观点好看 ?大家请看此版版规第 6 条, 就知道这个美国新闻版的怪现象哪里出来的了。--------“6. 版务的政治派别-----版务们都是支持希拉里的,版务个人在讨论政治问题时的发言和本版制版方针无关。这丝毫不影响你在这里支持你想支持的政治派别和理想。不过,请多讨论政治,以及国计民生的话题,少讨论所谓的“粉丝”。




我的观点当然和大多数美国人的不一样。我认为如果奥巴马真的和某些穆斯林极端组织有联系,甚至有些同情和理解,只要他本人不支持恐怖分子,那么他作为美国的领导人就可能比 McCain 或者布什这样的,更有可能减少美国受恐怖袭击的概率。

作为合理的判断,奥巴马本人不会是恐怖分子的内奸或者代理人。这样他的角色就成为离恐怖分子近,了解恐怖分子阵营,又比别的候选人更容易被恐怖分子的背景群众接受。这种角色如同马英九之于中国大陆政府,虽然马英九仍然反共,仍然不会急于统一,但是他的亲大陆倾向,使得台海局势的紧张瞬时缓解; 有人说了,奥巴马上台一样拜以色列,一样和原教旨主义作对,一样会眼馋中东石油。不错,这个是肯定的,但是他的亲以色列,他的这些立场,都会和布什政府很不一样。


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1     The following is what happened to our fa  [justicelove 于 2008-10-11 06:08:56 提到] [FROM: 67.18.]
The following is what happened to our family and our family-business !

The Firstsing Co.,Ltd. current status :

Anndy\'s RMB200,000 not got back yet ; the Shenzhen bitch lawyer No. 1 has charged us RMB200,000, returned RMB170,000, the rest RMB30,000 were eaten by other bitches and not returned yet ; the Shenzhen bitch lawyer No. 2 has charged us RMB90,000, returned RMB40,000, rest RMB50,000 not returned yet , totally RMB280,000 not returned yet , all the LOST and DESTROIED things during this bitch disaster not payed to us yet , while the bitches are still stealing, robbing , abducting and cheating EVERYWHERE !

Our Chile customer\'s order not handled yet , totally lost without any justice yet .

We are still asking for help though we\'ve been doing it since year 2006 , the dog bitten my mother and everying began . You know I\'m always doing real time report to the world and asking for help . While we are still in danger since being surrounded by so many bitches .

In the link below you can find full details and proofs with pictures and texts :
Download the \" ATTACHMENT , sue2007.rar \" , which contains all the proofs of the bitch case , with pictures , text files only , no virus .
And you can also refer to a part of those here , posted online one by one :

If you still think such a bitch government is hopeful , please type out all the documents in the
\" ATTACHMENT , sue2007.rar \"
and send to the highest court of the bitch China through the address below :

( in Chinese ) 最高人民法院立案庭 东城区东交民巷27号100745 85256114
( in English ) The Registry Court of The Highest Court of China , Building No.27, DongJiaoMinXiang, east city zone, Beijing, China
Zip 100745 , Tel. 86 010 85256114

( You can also refer to our housing zone forum here in Beijing if you can read Chinese, this housing zone is basiclly for the famouse TSING HUA UNIVERSITY . You can see many bitch PRETENDERS there. Even though , you need to login with the webmaster\'s permission ! http://qfhjy.eol.cn/ )
Because of our faith and kindness , we don\'t know how to lie . We just hope to do something for the justice and then we tried to organize our House-ower-community here in our housing zone which is the nest of the top bitches , thus my mother and I , and all our relatives in another city , are trapped so badly .

This bitch case is finally referring to the top end of the bitch government officers . You know how dangerouse it is to us .
Please kindly investigate in it and punish all the bitches for us , please earn justice and safety for us . Thank you !

--- Written by Anndy which used to be one of the members of the business website www.firstsing.com .

My blogs , built many and many been deleted or banned .
2     by brihand  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 21:00:49 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:29:51 2008)

One side, Obama talks about economics by blaming bush
for everything. The other side, mccain talks about obama\'s character.
People might think that at least Obama feels their pain, though
he offers no solution.
That is why I think Mccain should attack obama\'s economic
【 在 KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了) 的大作中提到: 】
: mccain应该拿出让人信服的方案
: 不过这个选举,选民真正去看issue的有多少?
: 这不是说随便写点东西,拿出来就是万灵药
: 现在谁也没有好方案
3     by yourtt  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 21:00:23 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: yourtt (rainmaker), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:28:19 2008)

because it is garbage.

【 在 wonderment (wonder) 的大作中提到: 】
: 题目上是我的个人观点。我放在这里就是想听听更多的意见,包括批评我观点的意见,
: 如果大家说的对,我说的不对,那么我也可能改变自己的看法,我本人不是奥巴马死忠
: ,也没有什么要必须维护的。
: 但是为什么我的这篇文章每次贴出来都要在 10 个小时内被删除。害怕什么呢 ?
: than
: damn
: just
4     by MyLina  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:59:48 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: MyLina (MyLina), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:27:14 2008)

Like playing card, you need to find right partner to enjoy the process. No
need to waste your time here, not worth it.

【 在 wonderment (wonder) 的大作中提到: 】
: 题目上是我的个人观点。我放在这里就是想听听更多的意见,包括批评我观点的意见,
: 如果大家说的对,我说的不对,那么我也可能改变自己的看法,我本人不是奥巴马死忠
: ,也没有什么要必须维护的。
: 但是为什么我的这篇文章每次贴出来都要在 10 个小时内被删除。害怕什么呢 ?
: than
: damn
: just
5     by brihand  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:59:04 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:26:53 2008)

But his character attack distracts people\'s attention.
During the debate, Mccain did well when he mentioned
2005 energy bill which he voted against and Obama voted
for. This showed that Mccain distant himself from Bush
and obama supported bush\'s policy. He should keep bringing
this up.
【 在 KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了) 的大作中提到: 】
: it\'s all about strategy
: he\'s attacking obama\'s plan
: but people are under impression that GOP fucked up, dem will do better
: on economy. well, that\'s why obama get more support now
: so simply focus on talking economy won\'t work
: some people care, especialy conservative people, motivating them to vote
: also important
6     by KuQ  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:58:15 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:24:08 2008), 转信



【 在 wonderment (wonder) 的大作中提到: 】
: 这个观点我很同意。经济还是基础。无论哪一边想赢,能拿出至少表面很有说服力的走
: 出低谷的方案是正解。有人指出 McCain 某些政策更合适,但是他和他的团队显然没有
: 在说服选民方面做出好的工作来。
7     by KuQ  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:57:46 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:22:06 2008), 转信

it\'s all about strategy
he\'s attacking obama\'s plan

but people are under impression that GOP fucked up, dem will do better
on economy. well, that\'s why obama get more support now

so simply focus on talking economy won\'t work

some people care, especialy conservative people, motivating them to vote is
also important

【 在 brihand (brihand) 的大作中提到: 】
: now people don\'t care about this. It is all about economics. Mccain
: keeps attacking obama\'s character, and this just shows that
: he is out of touch with ordinary people. Mccain should attack
: obama\'s economic plan.
8     by wonderment  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:57:13 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: wonderment (wonder), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:19:26 2008)



【 在 MyLina (MyLina) 的大作中提到: 】
: As an advice, no need to post on this board. Let these people dance here,
: and they can continue after Nov Election, if they wish...
9     by brihand  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:56:40 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: brihand (brihand), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:17:03 2008)

now people don\'t care about this. It is all about economics. Mccain
keeps attacking obama\'s character, and this just shows that
he is out of touch with ordinary people. Mccain should attack
obama\'s economic plan.
【 在 KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了) 的大作中提到: 】
: \'god damn american\' and good friends with terrorist
: now he want to lead american
: american people voting for him? not so good.
: than
: damn
: just
10     by wonderment  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:56:08 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: wonderment (wonder), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:16:52 2008)


但是为什么我的这篇文章每次贴出来都要在 10 个小时内被删除。害怕什么呢 ?
11     by MyLina  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:55:39 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: MyLina (MyLina), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:16:20 2008)

As an advice, no need to post on this board. Let these people dance here,
and they can continue after Nov Election, if they wish...
12     by KuQ  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:54:56 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: KuQ (依然很穷~但不哭穷了), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:13:14 2008), 转信

\'god damn american\' and good friends with terrorist
now he want to lead american

american people voting for him? not so good.
13      by yourtt  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:53:57 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]
发信人: yourtt (rainmaker), 信区: USANews
标 题: Re: 说个政治不正确的观点 (要删帖请告诉我根据什么版规)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 10 20:10:24 2008)

what the hell.

his personal relationship with home grown terrorist bill ayers for more than
15 years
and Sitting in the church, where black theology extremists chanting God damn
america for 20 years.

Anything more do you ask for. It is not that there is no clue, but you just
simply dont want to see.
14     有人咬定奥巴马就是恐怖分子  [wonderment 于 2008-10-10 20:33:50 提到] [FROM: 10.0.]

你认为奥巴马就是恐怖分子吗 ?yes or no ?

我的判断是他不会是,因为恐怖分子是一类极端分子,奥巴马显示出的思维方式和他本人的教育背景,不应该是这样的极端,而且我前面说过,对于和美国争斗的穆斯林,中国人里大多数都有同情,这才有 911 一片叫好,那么中国人就都是恐怖分子 ?



【 在 yourtt (rainmaker) 的大作中提到: 】
: what the hell.
: his personal relationship with home grown terrorist bill ayers for more than
: 15 years
: and Sitting in the church, where black theology extremists chanting God damn
: america for 20 years.
: Anything more do you ask for. It is not that there is no clue, but you just
: simply dont want to see.
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